Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Looking over from the Mangalore coastline
All the fire in me mitigated to energy all the tiredness
changed to a rejuvenated mind .
All the past follies were let to rest the intoxication of highest highs
and lowest ebbs ceased to matter .
Tranquillity engulfed me the vitality moved me and the sound of waves
beckoned as if I've been hypnotised .
I felt one with the vast ocean and yet felt so small in front of such a limitless body .
The hues of the Arabian Sea met the shades of the clear skies and almost perfectly complemented each other .
The golden sun glistening away in the horizon .......
the birds fly leaving minute bird foot print trails in the wet sands...........
I close my eyes and I can envision the sea spread out like an infinite continent of blue satin robe the sounds of the magical waters that cascade and rise splash and gush rhythmically .
We sat hours mesmerised by the greatness and the beauty of this body in front of us ,
oblivious to our surroundings .
Voices in the distance rung out ..... sounds of plain life ,
the din and clutter was so far away it felt like paradise
as if we could see and feel but not be stirred .
My life came in images of family, friends, the great success,
love, lust, fleeting happiness, despairing lows.
The questions unanswered. The answers.
The peace that I was in pursuit of didn't elude me it was within me,
within the ocean so big, it was between us .
I felt Calm .
I felt at peace from wandering ghosts , haunting skeletons and lonely shadows.
I was with myself as if I stood the test of waters and felt untouched by the sands of times .
I didn't just hear I could listen .................
I didn't breathe I respired the sounds and smells ...................
I didn't just exist I lived that moment .........
I live it from that moment on replay it and feel the waves wash away my tired feet time and again .
As I listen to its sound with the conch purchased at the shoreline petty shop .
It was blissful .
It think was the trip , the company of great friends and of course Mangalore .
I will let all those Mangis brag about their hometown tis was truly beautiful !
Friday, April 11, 2008
from the REAL ME to the REAL world
I have often complimented you about every small thing not cause I fan you or something like that I have always admired your will .... the will to survive through all the rubbish that might have happened .....your will your character and your dignity is far beyond any other girl I HAVE SEEN .
I have a checkered past.
I have made many follies found foes in friends backed away shattered heart broken and in total dis belief I have chosen to believe knaves as helping hands truth as tales .
I chose to be oblivious only because the goodness in me will die with the badness outside .
I am totally and completely in love with that phrase
see the good in others, take what is good and leave whats bad .
Yes its a bane to be born this way and I can't kill myself cause of the big bad world .
My parents and my friends love the way I am just as I am .....
no false pretences no bitching and no questions ......
I am that naive wanna be mature wanna be hard to get but yet totally senti mental !
I cannot and will not forget the good that has been done to me by a few .... and I will
forgive the bad that has been by those few.....
I am a complicated mass fibre with emotions that bind and gag ,
with principles that quiver with storm but will never be uprooted .
I care about every living thing and sometimes non living too .....
I am like that .... what can I do ..... ?
Ppl have taken my silence as my patience my madness as my weakness .....
Each and every thing I've said and done has been dissected bisected stripped open and analysed all for the stupidity that I have bore silently ......
I can't believe anything anymore .... I can't be that care free KRACK child that I love being.
I can't accept that ppl have taken me for granted for so damn long .
It disgusts me that I am like this but this is what I am
this is what I have always believed in .......... and this is what I might always be like.
I am in a mode where i can't allow ppl to do this to me cause
Its taken me 7 months to get over Dumbo's coldness
3 yrs to get over that disastrous relationship and
6 years to come to terms that I am human and I have made errors .
Such small ones that I don't remember them but its repercussions are what even till date ppl hold that against me .
It has been so difficult to fight all those battles meet all those criticisms as if they didn't affect me .
It has been difficult to put that smile and walk out of the house believing that
It has been most difficult that time and again its those people that have let me down . At every junction at every cross road at every fall and rise !
I am finally free liberated from my own beliefs freed from the shackles of false friendships and ugly pretences !
With or without people !
In my infinite wisdom I re read IF by Rudyard Kipling
*takes a bow and twirls the imaginary skirt around !*
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
'In which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or a writer says and what he or she means, or is generally understood ' - Wikepedia
In other words something that has more if you look beneath the surface that usually is contrary to what has been said ...!
That word always bought images of Iron and Iron like man unable to move a brick (something like the ten headed Ravanna and the bow)
I read that word when I was reading the Figments of imagination a beautiful collection of short stories in class ten .
(which I gave to a young chap to read and appreciate the language better for The Great CAT Exam and he just did better in English than me !)
Life is unfair ! so what of it ?
Its the same for everyone - Flat world they say !
I don't know why I go on ranting when I know that I almost suck at it - Almost ..... !
Whats that one thing that an atheist loathes in a religious argument which he was winning - the fact that all his theories don't have any effect on the god-believer !
I still love him - after he has dumped you and cheated on you a zillion times - it's hope that he will change or you will .
Jab we met - was released after the much talked about duo split - So is Jab We Split an apt sequel .....
He died , he was old - but he was in good health - he was my grand father ...........
they say that death is an equaliser .
It equals all from kings to slaves, from fakirs to fakes ...
all are brought down to dust .... nothingness.... to non-existence
leaving behind things they wouldn't see , hear nor ever know !
Ironic it is that we spend all our life for 'this' to make all 'this' and leave all 'this'
behind to go where we don't know where ?
It's ironic that I still try,
'try' to write I know not why ?
Lol ! me and my silly highs !
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Unlock Bangalore INITIATIVE
I Just read the article it couldn't be in a better time .
(Yes, I've started reading papers again that job killed my best habits ).
I was travelling this morning from Hebbal side (I used to live in the so called out skirts it has so much traffic now it's scary!) towards Vasanth nagar with my family.
I used the Cab (whilst working for 'THE MNC Investment Bank' ! ) and now I take the fatal two wheeler to work . My dad uses his car and mum the public transport all of us travel different directions and have different working hours but our problem is the same we travel too slow, too far with too much traffic !
The Hebbal fly over does not allow us to move beyond 10km/hr in peak hours invariably what would take 20 min takes one and half hours with all the road widening, one ways and riding through pot-holed crevices !
Today unusually we all travelled together in our car and the discussion led to what this unlock Bangalore initiative would desire - Private participation !
Dad suggested we take march on the almost fatal Bellary road ( after the fly over ) what used to be a haven for birds with its huge Banyan trees,while my mother wanted to write a complaint to the authorities I wanted my voice to be heard !(It's been a while since I crooned at the drives of MCC )
The solutions are simple
1. Get people to know what they can/can't change about these facilities .
2.Educate people about their rights especially the RTI Act .
3.Mobilise youth members in the affected areas please (we're tired of complaining at home and at work about the huge time we spend travelling) we are the generation that will use all these facilities we need to be part of its development !
4.Educate travellers about lane discipline.
5.Please have yellow /white Zebra crossings (what happened to them ? the last I remember of them was when I was in third grade and when we were taught traffic lights lesson!)
Ironically I feel that we will debate discuss and fight but to no avail it's election time the politicians will promise a trip to the moon and back but will not even initiate any roads to and fro !
Hope this Unlock Bangalore removes the cynicism from the Namma Bengalooru's responsible citizens and unclog everyone's mind and of course the roads !
(PS : For a change I have written some thing that makes a difference to most of our lives .You're views/comments are extremely valuable ..... I appreciate ppl commenting on my blog especially if they don't have to say nonsense about my writing style .... ! Lol ! don't comment about ME comment about the issue ! Now this might not bring any comments ...... )