Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Irony Meaning : 'a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used' - free online dictionary
'In which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or a writer says and what he or she means, or is generally understood ' - Wikepedia

In other words something that has more if you look beneath the surface that usually is contrary to what has been said ...!

That word always bought images of Iron and Iron like man unable to move a brick (something like the ten headed Ravanna and the bow)

I read that word when I was reading the Figments of imagination a beautiful collection of short stories in class ten .
(which I gave to a young chap to read and appreciate the language better for The Great CAT Exam and he just did better in English than me !)

Life is unfair ! so what of it ?
Its the same for everyone - Flat world they say !

I don't know why I go on ranting when I know that I almost suck at it - Almost ..... !

Whats that one thing that an atheist loathes in a religious argument which he was winning - the fact that all his theories don't have any effect on the god-believer !

I still love him - after he has dumped you and cheated on you a zillion times - it's hope that he will change or you will .

Jab we met - was released after the much talked about duo split - So is Jab We Split an apt sequel .....

He died , he was old - but he was in good health - he was my grand father ...........
they say that death is an equaliser .
It equals all from kings to slaves, from fakirs to fakes ...
all are brought down to dust .... nothingness.... to non-existence
leaving behind things they wouldn't see , hear nor ever know !

Ironic it is that we spend all our life for 'this' to make all 'this' and leave all 'this'
behind to go where we don't know where ?

It's ironic that I still try,
'try' to write I know not why ?
Lol ! me and my silly highs !

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unlock Bangalore INITIATIVE

I Just read the article it couldn't be in a better time .

(Yes, I've started reading papers again that job killed my best habits ).

I was travelling this morning from Hebbal side (I used to live in the so called out skirts it has so much traffic now it's scary!) towards Vasanth nagar with my family.
I used the Cab (whilst working for 'THE MNC Investment Bank' ! ) and now I take the fatal two wheeler to work . My dad uses his car and mum the public transport all of us travel different directions and have different working hours but our problem is the same we travel too slow, too far with too much traffic !
The Hebbal fly over does not allow us to move beyond 10km/hr in peak hours invariably what would take 20 min takes one and half hours with all the road widening, one ways and riding through pot-holed crevices !

Today unusually we all travelled together in our car and the discussion led to what this unlock Bangalore initiative would desire - Private participation !
Dad suggested we take march on the almost fatal Bellary road ( after the fly over ) what used to be a haven for birds with its huge Banyan trees,while my mother wanted to write a complaint to the authorities I wanted my voice to be heard !(It's been a while since I crooned at the drives of MCC )

The solutions are simple

1. Get people to know what they can/can't change about these facilities .

2.Educate people about their rights especially the RTI Act .

3.Mobilise youth members in the affected areas please (we're tired of complaining at home and at work about the huge time we spend travelling) we are the generation that will use all these facilities we need to be part of its development !

4.Educate travellers about lane discipline.

5.Please have yellow /white Zebra crossings (what happened to them ? the last I remember of them was when I was in third grade and when we were taught traffic lights lesson!)

Ironically I feel that we will debate discuss and fight but to no avail it's election time the politicians will promise a trip to the moon and back but will not even initiate any roads to and fro !
Hope this Unlock Bangalore removes the cynicism from the Namma Bengalooru's responsible citizens and unclog everyone's mind and of course the roads !

(PS : For a change I have written some thing that makes a difference to most of our lives .You're views/comments are extremely valuable ..... I appreciate ppl commenting on my blog especially if they don't have to say nonsense about my writing style .... ! Lol ! don't comment about ME comment about the issue ! Now this might not bring any comments ...... )