Friday, February 17, 2006


* I am not insane but live every minute in it
* I don't believe in prejudice I hate everyone equally
*I love myself the most and those who share the same point of view
*I loathe criticism and ppl who don't agree with me
* I'm a true narssicist
* I believe that my prince charming would come in a shining armour
on a black horse but alas he just rode past
* I'm a dreamer thats my favourite occupation
*Food and music are must haves daily for me to function in a normal fashion (depends on what you'd call normal)
* I start my day with a prayer (my mother would be glad)
* I am taking classes on how to walk and sit like a lady and not to forget how to cook for you have to be armed before you set afoot in the marraige market !
*I am melo dramatic in every sense I like to feel the world revolves aaround me !
*Yes I'm asked this question every other time
what do you want to do in life ?
god damit you think I have a clue ?
If I did I'd probabaly tell the whole world
* I love love love books it's my sanity pill
* I love talking especailly if it's amout me and the day I don't talk means it's fatal
*I like being with ppl but tend to enjoy my company the most
* The perfect day would be just chatting with my friends nothing feels better than a good bitching session
* I make people laugh but I aint sure it's at me or with me but does it matter ?
* I hope to become a stand up commedian most ppl think I'd do a swell job
* I am sacarstic and so love it
* I'm horribly optimistic how do you think I survived all these years ?
* The most embarassing thing ever after short listing several many.....
In a mime solo competition the judge asked me to cahnge attire so i acted and very seductively did the strip tease until all the clothes had come off (i mean acted not literal) the judge said nothin then he takes the mike and says it's not cange ATTIRE but change a TYRE
haha what a good laugh in an all boys college !
* After several trial and errors I've come to the conclusion there is no such
thing as perfect man \guy just as Ufo's they'r imaginary
* The most over rated and over used word is love see I've constatnly used it too
* I'm the most impulsive senseless but cutest thing I never think before I talk hence suffer from the foot in the mouth disease
I can't be angry with anyone for more than a minute
*I just love my self and my life
OK folks if you've lasted this long I must bow and say thank you


Anonymous said...


u forgot to add your over (and wrong) usage of "im getting screwed" hehe...

but good post, keep it up.. didnt know u write poems!!

Saturday Night Takeout said...

You're human. It's proof.

onmyowntrip said...

@saturday night takeout
thanks for stopping by

Camphor said...

You're welcome. :)

Shashi said...

Well I'd love to know if anything has changed during these years ????

And never knew about that "Stand up comedian" thing....

I share that dream too ;)