Sunday, July 02, 2006

Nothing seems appropriate to say .
Nothing will mitigate this sense of desolation . Nothing can make me feel better !
I don't know why I'm so bloody upset everyone's gotta move on
and your just going to pursue studies....

Tears swell and drop like a perinial river washing abank memories of all the times spent together . Times of triumph and laughter . Momenets of just sitting together hogging away and just wasting time . Moments of bonding and bitching . Moments spent in great company .
It's ironic those "moments" that made you laugh now bring tears . Tears cause I know in college will never be same without you guys . Who will I play text twist and tetris with ? who will accompany me a zillion times to the canteen ?
With whom will I spend some umpteen hours doing absolutely nothing ?

Do you really have to go ? Why is saying good bye so difficult....?

All those times during Cul - ah ! those bike trips , hogging at sponsors for free , To that midnight trip to Shakalaka 's place . waking you up at 3 AM and asking you for gola ???? . We sure had a blast . With you you I shared a bond and only now I know how special it is .....

Yeah ! I know I sound like some emotional and sentimental fool !!!! but you wouldbe , if you realise that the whole batch is graduated and your left with some two friends and hence have to undertake the task of making friends in the final year !!!!
But I will survive .... don't have a choice do I ?????

1 comment:

all or nothing said...

you are a carmelite??
relax sistah. I guess that's the way it is. But you'll find a lot of company to go to the canteen with :D