Friday, May 05, 2006


I have always been fascinated with people and their queer ways .
The one time you can judge ppl is when you serve food .
Have you noticed them during weddings and free lunches ?
The stories I can tell you about them .......

Crowds .... Mobs .... Processions...... are all associated with a bunch of ppl .
What makes me so fascinated with them , there are lot of reasons .

Crowds gather to witness a shooting of a movie os serial ........
the excitement the enthusiasm just gets everyone interersted .
Crowds when some magic doctor sells medicines to cure all sort of diseases
these lure the curious and the hopefuls .
Crowds of ppl gathered around a hospital to see their favourite star /Icon recover .
Crowds that stand outside ration shops waitning patiently for sugar or rice to take back home .
Crowds packed on a friday outside a popular theatre anticipating a good movie hoping to be entertained .
Crowds that miraculously gater around ppl having an argument , some watch , some interfere some intervene , some try and bring peace ,
well most others move their tongues with greatest speed .

Crowds that collect outide courts or police stations for want of justice .
Crowds that protest .
Crowds that raise thier voice against injustice .
Crowds to mourn the death of their star .
Crowds to congradulate successful candidates .
Crowds to collect freebees given by hopeful politicians to get free saris , free rice and ration nowdays free colour television sets !

Crowds that gather around an accident victim and do nothing
but stare or shake their heads vehemently ...
only one will rise to take that patient to the hospital ....

Crowds that jeer .
Crowds that mock .
Crowds that wait the good news to change their fortune .
Crowds that turn violent ... pelt stones
Mobs that attack public property anti social elements that cause chaos
Mobs that kill ruthlessly .
Set houses ablaze .....
But the strongest crowd was that one which demanded freedom
which walked the dandi march in protest to exploitation ....
Those that walked in protest to The Vietnam war ....
Its time to stir a crowd
to mbve a crowd , to make a change , to make a differnce ....
Guess we're still waiting for that kind of crowd .


Prmod Bafna said...

We sure are.. although something tells me that those kinda crowds wont happen again somehow..

butters_dumbo said...

seriously ???
reallly ???
waaaaaaaaat ???
ohhh mannn !!!

onmyowntrip said...

Your such a daft.....!
Pah ! Can't you say something that makes sense to others too....?
Is it asking for too much from thou?

Sameer Ahmed said...

If I was to write my hate list then crowds would be one among them.

Anonymous said...


U know I like crowd only once when I lead a que leaving behind a huge crowd!

Is't nice feelings esp. movie hall or cencert...right?!?


Gapa said...

Its only when you're alone that you miss the crowd like hell.

The Wandering Hermit said...

i HATE crowds when i am a part of them..sometimes even 2 make up a crowd...but watching crowds pass me by as I sit somewhere and muse is one of my fav things to do...