Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I wish

When I was small .
I'd read Enid Blyton and dream that one day I'd go to the mountains in a caravan .
Fly into te skies .
Chase smugglers .
Explore castles and dungeons.
Make secret night trips .
Have a larder filled apple tarts , pinapple cakes and appricot pies .
Have a dog I'd keep in my cycle carriage .
Have mysteries to solve .

Go down to the stream and bathe .
Take a boat to an island .
Take a trip in an air balloon .
Whistle .
Work in a circus .
Ride on a lion .
Play with tigers .
Talk to the trees .
Meet elves and tooth fairies .
Eat lots of cotton candy and ice creams .
Climb big mountains and swim across the sea .
Find treasure and gold coins .
Play in the night wit the moon and stars .

Why do we grow out of such dreams ........


the Monk said...

I know...a real pity, isn't it?

Juvenile Delinquent said...

Very nice, you've captured beautifully an innocent child's excitement about all these 'happy' trips...

But I'm here because I noticed something else curious about the way you type... Why do you (so meticulously) leave a space before every full stop or comma?

jugni said...

i still believe most of those things can happen to me!
i used to think as a kid that trees would eat me.. i still get scared if left alone for a long time in a place with lots of trees! :S
no wonder people call me imbecilic!

on a more serious not (since everyone's not as retarded as me!) won't the world be a much nicer place if we just held on to our childhood fantasies/dreams?

zypsy said...

can see a child running around, and laughing with the wind. so much innocence...

floots said...

beautiful piece
(i can see now why you liked the pic on my blog - thanks for the visit)
cheers :)